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Thetahealing® is a technique and philosophy of life that helps us to consciously connect oneself with the power of the source of all that is. It teaches us how to win back our natural intuition and develop our transcendental abilities. It is an alternative healing and meditation method for the body, the spirit and the soul and it works on all different levels. It enables us to reach the origin of a specific problem. Limiting beliefs and patterns can be recognised and broken up in order to develop new values and fill the life with positive thoughts. Thanks to those changes, we can start living more aware and self-determined and create our life the way we want to.

The effect and healing power of Thetahealing® is based on the power of theta waves of the brain. In the theta state, our brain is oscillating with a frequency of 4-8cycles per second. This state is comparable to the first stage of dreaming, the moment before falling asleep. This frequency enables conscious access to information that is stored in the unconsciousness. This is exactly the information we need in order to change certain circumstances in our life.

Thetathealing is no full replacement of conventional school medicine.

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“Thetahealing is a huge enrichment of all aspects of my life. It inspires and influences me in my work as a singer, artist, teacher and healer, when I am sleeping, dreaming, meditating, dancing, cooking and my connection to nature, animals and people. I am very grateful for this precious gift, so that I decided to share it with as many people as possible and carry it on.”


Malin Schell

was ist theta



This alternative healing method helps you in any situation of your life.
Make an appointment for an individual session with me.


Learn the Thetahealing® technique and discover many different courses.




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Discover the potential of your voice thanks to the theta frequency.







 My Music

Shivaya Parameshwaraya
Luz do Sol






From my childhood on, music has been my big passion. By blending into the sound and becoming one with the music, I feel a deep connection to myself, my essence and my heart.  Beeing in harmony with everything that is. Therefore I decided to study pedagogy of music and movement in Lucerne and follow it by a masters program in vocal improvisation, where I could focus intensely on the creative expression of my inner life.




I am a freedom-loving soul who enjoys to travel the world in order to learn from the rich and diverse cultures, peoples and traditions. Since my very young years I have been able to make interesting trips that have inspired and enriched my journey of life. I have always felt a deep connection to Brazil, which is why I moved there after having finished my studies. Most of the time during the past few years, I have spent in a wonderful and magical valley in Brazil. Within time, I have come across shamanism and different natural religions. I have learnt Vipassana, did the living on light process and took part in a lot of powerful traditional ceremonies and rituals. Stronger than ever I felt the desire to travel deeper in myself and expand my consciousness. This desire must have been heard by the universe and soon after, Thetahealing® was led into my life.




With the introduction to this philosophy of life and the initiation and learning of this stunning technique, my new life began. I learned to see and understand innumerable connections in the universe and I received answers to many open questions. Suddenly, everything made sense. My awareness of everything inside and around me started to change, my transcendental abilities started to develop and my intuition became stronger every day. It was a intense time, full of self-recognition, change, transformation and healing in me, my relationships and all aspects of my life. Thanks to Thetahealing®, my bond to myself has become deeper, the connection to the “source of everything that is” has become stronger, my awareness has become bigger and my horizon broader.

Full of joy and thankfulness I want to share the gift of Thetahealing® with many people, in one-to-one sessions and group seminars.


My Thetahealing® Certificates


über mich


“Nature is a source that inspires me, where my soul calms down, where I gather energy, where I feel at complete harmony. I become one with the river, the trees, the stones and the sun light. I am one with everything that is.”



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